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asphalt crack

Different Types of Asphalt Cracks — and What Should Be Done About Them

Commercial asphalt undoubtedly sees a lot of use. Your residential driveway is probably asphalt, and you likely only have a few cars drive on that in a year, but driveway cracks appear almost as quickly as you can have it repaved. Commercial parking lots, loading zones, roads, and walkways are essential facets of your business. They give your visitors somewhere to park, insight into the direction they need to travel, and provide a smooth surface for vehicles to access your property and services.

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What To Do After You Spot Alligator Cracking In Asphalt

You’ll know it when you see it; it’s that obvious. Asphalt paving will often show the all-too-common sign of age known as “crocodile” or “alligator cracking.” As your asphalt begins to deteriorate, you will notice that the pavement bears a stunning resemblance to reptile skin. Left uncorrected, alligator cracking can lead to worse and more expensive repairs.

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