Category Archives: Uncategorized

A close-up of fresh asphalt on a road.

How Can Commercial Asphalt Paving Save Your Business Money?

No one ever said running a business was an easy task. With the different demands and challenges, business owners often do whatever they can do to reduce expenses. What if asphalt paving could save your business money? While it may not be what people first think of when it comes to saving, high-quality asphalt can benefit business owners in more ways than one.

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pothole filled with water

Patching and Repairing Potholes: What You Need to Know

If there’s one thing we know about New Jersey, it’s that potholes are abundant. However, just because you’re used to avoiding potholes on highways and other roadways doesn’t mean your clients and employees should have to navigate these hazards at your business. Potholes occur when earlier signs of pavement damage have been neglected or ignored. Pavement damage such as cracking, swelling, and patch failures can subject the pavement’s sublayer to further damage — resulting in a pothole. Regular parking lot maintenance can help you stay ahead of your commercial property’s asphalt health and prevent future potholes.

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